Wrap Up
“We have been developing a procedure to help guide you in processing everything that happens in your life, big and small, using your three psyche components (think, feel, do). So far we have:
Stop – Relax – Think – Do
After you have done what you decided is the best thing to do (whether it be something or nothing), you can then add in your emotions as the last step to help evaluate the results of your process by how you feel about what you have done. If you don’t feel good about what you did, you can consider repeating the process in a different way until you think or feel you got it right. So now we have the complete procedure to guide your response to everything:
Stop – Relax – Think – Do – Feel.
For further reading on this, I can recommend my book Re-thinking Thinking.
This concludes my presentation of my Ten Tip Top Tips for life skills. There are abundant benefits to developing them. As I stated when we began, there are, of course, many other life skills we could and should consider developing. Stay tuned for more as I am able to prepare them for this format from the books I have written. Meanwhile, the books can serve as further reading for you if you wish.
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Have a Tip Top life,
John Hunchak, MD.